Amateur Radio KE1G
Formerly WA1TYA, WN2GHN,
first licensed in March of 1963
Grid: FN43fb13od56
Member of
- American Radio Relay League
- Quarter Century Wireless Association
- Granite State Amateur Radio Association
Home station
FT-991A, Z-11Pro II, to an EMCOMM II as a sagging inverted L, 17'
at the corner, lower at the end. It seems to load OK from
160 through 6.
Primarily FT8, though exploring JS8Call. Rare forays into SSB.
Even rarer into CW. Spring antenna work may make voice more
Portable capabilities
KX3, Super Antenna MP1, LIFEPO4 battery (I have a generator, so
I could bring the FT-991A for bigger deployments), MFJ-16010
(though the LDG would probably come along -- it was chosen
because it uses latching relays so it's power consumption is
neglegable except during tuning).
I have a tower, but all the antennas need work, and the
feedlines and rotator need to be replaced. I'm old enough that
I have trouble climbing, and the tower probably needs to be
professionally evaluated for safety.
I have a DXCommander (fan) vertical I'm tuning and will
install soon. (I'll probably keep the EMCOMM for NVIS).
- I have a Windom to put up and try someday. Also a G5RV.
- My current car needs some radios.
Off again, on again project to improve my iambic sending by
building a keyer that connects to a computer in lieu of a
keyboard, to encourage me to practice. Yes, to use a computer
typically requires "keys" that you can't send in Morse. A
plan of how that might work, should you be bored out of your
skull during shelter at home, can be found
here (please forgive
the uncorrected typos and other errors).
There are other old radios and antennas that may need work.
They haven't made it onto the projects list lately
Off air contact via the forwarder at does work. Snail mail
from FCC or QRZ databases also works.
I currently log to LOTW,, and